If it wasn't for the fact that winter follows fall, it would be my favorite time of year. I don't really like the cold, and the it seems that it takes spring forever to get here. But there are things about fall that I love:
I love the cooler temperatures, closing up the garden for the winter, getting ready for the first snowfall, buying new shovels, the softness of cashmere hats and scarves, planning Christmas and Hannukah parties, stacking firewood to be enjoyed when the weather turns crisp, the sense of expectation and appreciation, the sense of closure.
I also really enjoy fall cleaning. Some people are spring cleaners, but I'm a fall cleaner. If I'm going to be closed up in my house for the next 6 months, I want to get rid of all the junk that I've accumulated over the last year and I want to be able to see through my windows.
This year I'm a little behind in everything. I've been fighting colds and the flu all fall it seems. I usually always have my holiday shopping almost done by now and I have barely started. I told the husband to book time next weekend and to get a babysitter because we are going out to get as much done as possible.
I've made my lists and I'm checking them twice. Time to get organized before the first round of parties hits which is in a few short weeks. Need to make hostess gifts and gifts for teachers and crossing guards.
I guess what I also like is that this is the time of year to say thank you. To show those who make our lives easier that we don't know what we would do without them. So as busy as this season gets, I do enjoy every minute of it.
Cath made me a (couple of) hot toddies last night. I say, Bring on the snow.
Wish we could stop by for one of your parties...
I remember those feelings so well from Montreal but it is not the same here at all. Today it must be around 15 degrees and sunny. I'm going out the garden to weed and rake leaves in a t-shirt! Miss you!
I wish you guys were here too and Cath would make me a hot toddie. :)
This year I have to help my friend Jody make potato latkes for her Hannukah party. Enough for 80 people!
Cath the weather here is beautiful too. Really warm and apparently it is the sunniest November on record. I am looking forward to the first snowfall. Miss you too! xx
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