01 January, 2010

happy new year

new year's wish for friends and family
the happiest of new years
good health
lots of wealth
and friends to share it with

some sights around our house today
max looks like he's nursing a hangover
what's that on the counter? 

fresh tarragon, fresh thyme, garlic, lobster, cream, and brandy
must be the annual new year's lobster pasta feed

cherry pie to top it off while watching Julie and Julia

Sledding at Hampstead Park with Jodi and Murray and the boys

Well, to finish off the day I have compiled a list of things I would like to accomplish in 2010. It doesn't mean that I will, but there are a few things that I would like to do.
  • Reno the upstairs bathroom
  • exercise more
  • learn to make brioche
  • learn to sew properly
  • open my second shop on esty
  • finally get my drivers license
  • take more pictures
  • take better pictures
We'll see how it goes.
Here's hoping that you had a fun new year celebration and all the best in 2010.

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