26 December, 2008

Is everyone as happy as I am that Christmas is over?

I don't mean to sound like Scrooge, but this year leading up to Christmas was craziness. At one point in November I thought I was ahead of the ball, but then December just snuck up on me and voila I was unprepared, exhausted, and over-extended.

The husband and I usually have a rule that we only except a certain number of invitations and the others get polite refusals, but this year it seems that the husband was in the mood to socialize. So we had lots of fun, but now I'm tired. I'm even wondering if the rest of the family will think I'm really weird if I take the tree down tomorrow. Nah, I'm not that much of a scrooge.

It started off with the husband pulling a muscle in his neck the first day of our 2 week vacation. He has been so much fun to live with, in all fairness, he was in enough pain to go to the CLSC and when that didn't work he took my advice and went to acpuncture. I'm happy to report that he had his second treatment today and he's much better. But it held us up doing a lot of what we needed to get done.

Then the wee man got a cold the same day, and Henry, our long haired cat, decided he had an upset stomach. It would have been ok if he had of kept it to himself, but he pooped all over our bed and then ran through the house getting it all over the carpets, floors, furniture, etc. Not to mention how much he smelled. We had to phone our vet and beg and when that didn't work threaten, for him to buzz Henry 2 days before Christmas. Then once Henry was cleaned up, we had to clean up the house. We are still looking for someone to clean the carpets.

In the end, it all turned out ok. We had Christmas lunch with Romanian friends and only left their house because we had dinner guests coming, otherwise, we would probably still be there. I have never seen so much food. It just kept coming. I knew we were in for it when we walked in their door, sat down and they handed us shooter glasses (60 proof) and then followed by homemade wine. We're having them over on the weekend for lobster (they've never had) but I can't say that we will prepare half the amount of food that they did.

After all the whining that I did over my failed gingerbread cookies and my Nova Scotia friends coming to the rescue with recipes, I went to Maxie's Kosher Deli and bought cookies. Way more civilized. So Christmas Eve the wee man put some on a plate for santa and later in the evening santa decided that she would eat a couple (it was only the right thing to do), and then after consuming a couple realized that she had seen the cat licking the cookies earlier (she forgot because santa was also left a glass of wine).

Santa was very generous this year and I'm still getting used to my new lens. I had to get my Bryan Peterson book on Exposure out to review some technicalities.

The wee man got an orgami kit and has been making penguins like crazy. The red one looks like it turned to look when I snapped the photo.

He also got a paper airplane kit and is making some wicked airplanes.

Tomorrow I'm back at the gym to burn off all the Hungarian sausage, chocolates and wine that I consumed, then maybe a trip to Murray Hill for a little sledding. Hope you all are having a great holiday.

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